travels and travails

Thursday, October 06, 2022

2022 Season's End

Well, now the 2022 kayak season is over, as of October 4. The smoky skies, reported in my most recent post, cleared sufficiently and allowed more kayak days. But now it is time to get ready for the trip to Austria i.e. readying the house and yard, then packing luggage. Once in Austria, we'll know what we forgot to pack. Eli will actually start earlier in Norway. I'll go immediately to Austria, where she will join me slightly later.

The kayaking has been special lately with very low motor boat traffic, lots of migrating birds resting on their journey south, and splendid weather. The lake level has dropped 2 feet already, on its way to the ~10 foot lower winter pool level. 

At the season's start, I worried about my arthritic left shoulder - would it destroy my kayak season? With massage twice per month and an appropriate exercise program, the shoulder held up well. I am also keeping my day trip distances to less than 10 nautical miles. This takes me between 3 and 4 hours. By season's end, my post-trip energy level had improved.

My final trip was from 3rd Avenue Pier, then up Sand Creek before my return. Once in the creek, the kayaker travels between the edge of downtown and the busy rail and traffic corridor. Eventually the trip turns wilder, still within hearing distance (albeit muted) of the freeway and with only a few remote houses visible from the water. Some complain that this Sand Creek trip is too noisy at the start- not me, I just turn off my hearing aids.

Any trips off Vancouver Island next season? My youngest granddaughter and boyfriend visited Sandpoint this season and enjoyed the kayaking. They seem motivated to try some kayaking off Vancouver Island next season. Such a plan will evolve, but the Broken Group Islands destination remains a front runner.