Review of the Current Designs Slipstream
- Length: 16'
- Max Width: 22"
- Depth: 13.25"
- Weight Fiberglass: 49 lbs
- Cockpit: 29.25" X 16"
- Rear Hatch: 11" X 16 1/2"
- Front Hatch: 9 1/2" Diameter
- Total Volume: 60 U.S. Gals.
- Hull Design: Swede Form, Shallow "V", Medium Chine
- light winds
- water temperature at 40° F
- air temperature at 44° F
I'll wear my new Chillcheater dry suit and stay relatively close to shore ...
So here is what I could determine upon this first test:
- The overall fit
is acceptable, but I need to avoid scraping my shins getting in the cockpit! My flexibility is the issue. Although this is a small person's kayak, the deck in front of the coaming is high. Many don't like this, but I definitely do because I have largish water shoes and need space to move them about.
- The water was quite calm at the start, then with a slight breeze later. No leaks were observed, but rougher water will tell more in a subsequent test.
- In the slight breeze (5 mph?) very mild weathercocking was observed, but easily tuned out with the skeg.
- The speed seems fine, but more testing will tell. I didn't hurry and had an average speed of 2.5 knots.
- The foot pegs were too far forward and the trip too short, so I wasn't quite comfortable with a posture not erect enough. However, nothing yet negative about the backband showed up at this point, so that is good.
Test #2
OK, now it's April 25, just a few days later. This time I wore my wet suit and a splash jacket. Next I moved the foot pegs closer resulting in a more erect posture. After 2 1/2 hours I found that my back was happy. This was a big deal and a surprise! I'll not need to reconfigure the backband ... hooray!
Note that I could get into and out of the kayak without scraping my shins. Merely paying closer attention was the key; no real surprise here.
Lastly, I am semi-convinced that the Slipstream's speed is comparable to that in the Étaín. Again, I did not hurry and maintained an average speed of 2.6 knots.
Conditions were quite calm, with a water temperature of 40° F. This is colder than I prefer for rolling, unless necessary. Hence, there are no conclusions on leakage yet, other than perhaps a little from the hatch cover areas on the stern and day hatches. The bow hatch remains dry.
Further Testing
I have now spent enough day trips in this kayak to decide that it might be my preferred kayak. If so, the Valley 17.3 Étaín will become our extra kayak for guests. On my longer trips I found the backband to still be comfortable.
It will be some weeks before I attempt rolling. I'll wait until the water temperature is more reasonable. At this point the water is still at 43° F. At that later time, I'll either update this article or write another. If leakage then becomes an issue, I'll then deal with it.
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