End of 2021 Kayak Season
Lake Pend Oreille will be drawn down by 11 feet this winter and on our last day (October 5 in the Clark Fork Delta) was already down by 3. This is typical, with occasional draw downs less severe. I believe this is a Corps of Engineers decision, with some public input.
I had 41 kayak day trips through the season, often solo but not always. The 4 day trips with Eli and others in Nanaimo and the 2 day trips with granddaughter Sophie were probably the highlights, but all days were reasonably special. Also of random interest:
- accommodating my arthritic left shoulder via exercises and medical massage
- staying with the same favorite kayak throughout the season (the Étaín)
- learning how to repair the Étaín skeg system
- making no progress on rolling (actually neglected)
- failing to sell the very nice, good as new Tahe Sea Spirit