Mid Ski Season 2020
After a slow start to the ski season at Schweitzer, we experienced heavy snowfall in January. In one period, we received 7 feet of new snow in ten days. The snow was unusually light, giving us some nice Pulverschnee. Despite recent wet weather, the hill is still in good shape but could use a renewed surface.
My current project is to restore some range of motion to my arthritic left shoulder. I began with a cortisone injection. Then I have had some 'medical' massages, am attending weekly exercise sessions at "The Shed", am performing some further daily exercises recommended by my PT, and am taking some supplements recommended via the Internet. Has any of this helped? In fact, my range of motion without pain has improved. There is no telling which of my activities have been useful ... maybe the key has been shoveling snow.
Early results really showed no effect from the cortisone injection, but that can appear as late as several weeks after the procedure. The other activities eventually showed some effect. Perhaps my body is now producing some synovial fluid for that joint. At any rate, I will continue and hope that kayaking in Spring will show positive results.