Kayak Fleet Evolution Revisited
Suddenly, within 2 days, I sold both my Mariner Express and my Sterling Ice Kap. So I'm down to 2 kayaks and still want a third for any visitors who might be interested in kayaking. I seem to have found such and will pick it up on April 2 in Coeur d'Alene, if it passes my inspection. It is a 17'x 21" strip-built Guillemot, perhaps Nick Schade's first commercial design. It's relatively flat bottomed and will require the usual wooden boat maintenance. I'll plan to add a keel strip via a process new to me i.e. G/Flex 655 with peel ply to smooth it out.
Ski season is in its waning days, spring ice -> soft -> slush. It was a good season with an unusually cool and snowy February. I now am waiting for the lake ice to disappear and the water level to come back closer to the summer pool level.