Catching Up
I've been neglecting this blog and will here encapsulate interim happenings on various fronts.
I completed a 5-day sea kayaking day guides course at Malaspina University-College on June 1. This well taught (Matt Kellow and John Dawson) and extremely valuable course gave me basic knowledge that makes me a somewhat safer sea kayaker and identified weaknesses and areas on which I need to work. Topics included recovery (rescue) techniques, various paddling strokes, navigation, tides and currents, weather knowledge and forecast interpretation, trip planning and leadership, and so on. Upon returning to Lake Pend Oreille (a less dramatic setting than the Georgia Strait) I find that many of the local lake kayakers lack basic safety skills.
I have done numerous short kayak jaunts upon my return. I really like my Seaward Endeavor ('Edna'). I have also used the less nimble tandem with Eli or have used it for accompanying friends/relatives.
I've mostly done short flat rides (Sandpoint-Sagle round trip) or the more ambitious ride up to Schweitzer (10 to date), but only one woodsy, single-track ride. The latter will become more common now that Eli has returned from Norway.
Fall semester will again find us in Nanaimo at Malaspina University College. Eli will undertake an independent study in printmaking. I'll teach an introductory course in embedded Linux, hacking the Linksys WRT54G. Twelve students have enrolled, with two on the waiting list. This will require significant preparation on my part.