Paying to be Cold and Wet
There are two more Thursday evening trips in our current sea kayaking session. The most recent trip ended just after sunset on a calm, balmy evening after circumnavigating Newcastle Island. The weather will be changing soon and become significantly cooler and wetter. Nevertheless, we signed up and paid for the next 5-week session, which ends November 16. We are also on the waiting list for a 2-day trip (October 21, 22) in the vicinity of Quadra Island, using the Discovery Lodge there as a base camp. That is a very popular trip, so we are unlikely to be elevated from the waiting list.
The sea kayaking provides us an opportunity to explore Vancouver Island in the Nanaimo area and the nearby coastal waters. It will also help us assess whether or not this is an activity we will pursue after we leave here next May. For example, we've gleaned sufficient information to make a semi-intelligent choice of kayak and the needed auxiliary gear e.g. paddles are nice to have.
We hope to sign up for some of the other sports activities available through Malaspina University-College (MalU), including a X-country ski day on December 3. In all cases, the gear and transportation are provided. From here on, any of our trips could find us cold and wet. Of course, there are the usual non-sports activities available in a college town. We've already seen an excellent 'foreign' film ("Fire" from India) and attended a "World Music" concert.
Today the wet season is forecast to poke a probing finger into the Nanaimo area, but then retreat for the rest of the week. We'll try to get in a hike up the slopes of Mount Benson before the afternoon rains arrive.
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