travels and travails

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Yes, I inhaled.

A typical Austrian pharmacy (Apothek) carries the sorts of products our pharmacies do in the states. They also carry various herbs and folk remedies that the USA pharmacies might term 'alternative' and typically would not provide. These folk remedies have often been the subject of research on their efficacy and are widely used. Julie's mother-in-law, Rosa, has gathered mountain herbs throughout her whole life, relying on the writings of Hildegard von Bingen.

So to help my sore throat and cough, the family recommended a tablespoon of Holunderbluete (dried elderberry blossoms) in a pan of water brought to a boil. The pan is then taken from the stove to a table where you inhale the medicinal vapor for about 10 minutes, covering your head and pan with a towel to make a little steam tent. It does a good job on the symptoms, enough so that it's a good treatment before bed, allowing one to have a decent sleep. It doesn't cure the underlying cold, but is useful nonetheless.

We took the train back to Salzburg today, arriving about 1:00 PM. Tomorrow class starts and I'll have an idea how many students have enrolled. Traditionally, a class may start at, say, 8:00AM, but the students don't arrive until 15 minutes later. That's just the way it is here.



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